Jean's Story - Lipogems Injections
Last month we caught up with Vinny, Dr. Eichten’s patient who had an excellent outcome following Lipogems injections in his knees. We now have another amazing success story to share! Dr. Eichten just met with Jean, a patient who underwent the same procedure 6 weeks ago and also had amazing results!

Jean has a history of moderate osteoarthritis in both of her knees. Prior to undergoing Lipogems injections Jean rated her knee pain a 9 on a 1-10 scale. Her pain was most severe in the evenings and often interfered with her ability to sleep. Like many patients, she would wake up most nights and was unable to find any comfortable position. Although Jean had knee pain daily she continued to exercise on a routine basis. To provide some relief from her pain Jean relied on Advil and would take pain medication when her symptoms became severe. Over the last few years Jean underwent gel injections in the knees which provided temporary relief but the pain always returned.
Jean did extensive research to find an alternative solution to her daily knee pain. That research led her to Dr. Eichten. Dr. Eichten discussed treatment options with her and they decided together that Lipogems injections were her best alternative to surgery. Jean underwent the 90 minute Lipogems procedure in the office and waited to see how her knees would respond.
6 weeks later Jean practically skipped into the office so excited to report that she is feeling GREAT! NO more pain in her knees! NO longer taking pain medication! She is sleeping through the night with NO pain to wake her! She can't believe how good it feels to be able to walk on treadmill or do strength training with NO pain. Jean is extremely pleased to have gotten these results in just 6 short weeks without having to have surgery.
We are very happy for Jean and excited to share this procedure with our patients. Dr. Eichten continues to be impressed by the outstanding results his patients report after Lipogems.
If you would like to learn more and find out if you are a candidate for Lipogems please call us to schedule a consultation today at 239-337-2003 ext. 9819.